Greetings from VKMfanHuey!!!

Welcome to the Gingerology blog for the 1932 Fox film, Hat Check Girl!!!

Ginger ...

Please note the 'menu' above, which has various information regarding the film; to the right (just below the Gingerology link) there are additional links regarding the film.

Please feel free to leave a comment with any general info, links, pics, or just to say hi!

...And be sure to check out our 'main' site, Gingerology - just click on the Ginger pic to the right. There you'll find a list of ALL of Ginger Rogers' films; click on any one, and you will be directed to a 'dedicated' blog about that film (not unlike this blog).

Keep It Gingery, y'all!



Friday, September 6, 2013

Archive Post #2 - from Gingerology - originally posted April 1, 2011

HAT CHECK GIRL FOUND... be a VERY hard film to find a copy of... ...Y'all have a snarky, yet beguiling April Fools Day, y'all! Could you imagine what Ginger pulled on April 1st? She was quite the prankster, ya know! The pic above looks like she was up to something... BTW - I would be pretty mad at myself now if I had just read this post... :-P ...where's your holiday spirit? Hope to get the Tenderfoot review up by tomorrow... until then... KIG, y'all!!! VKMfanHuey ---


  1. ...but it does exist, right? As long as it does, that's good news. I bring this up because apparently four-fifths of films made before 1930 have either disappeared or are incomplete, and at 8 p.m.(ET) Sunday, TCM in the U.S. is showing some of those incomplete snippets in a special called "Fragments." Some of the stars to be shown include a few Ginger probably liked in her youth, such as Clara Bow (her lone film footage in color!) and Douglas Fairbanks Sr. Looks like something most classic Hollywood buffs would be interested in seeing.

    Incidentally, while doing some Carole Lombard research the other day, I discovered that in 1939, RKO briefly wanted Carole and Ginger to co-star in "Vigil In The Night." I'm guessing it never happened because the role Ginger would have played was sort of a supporting role, and by '39 she had gained enough popularity and star power to warrant her own A-level vehicles. It's unfortunate they never made a film together, though. And both loved to pull pranks.

    My entry on "Vigil," which concerns another actress considered for the part, can be found at
  2. OK, you got me. :)

    But I'm sure it WILL be found someday!
  3. I want Fred and Ginger outtakes! You'd think they would be somewhere...

    My April Gingertennial pic is up!
  4. That's not nice!! - but you got me. : )
  5. no way Ron - you know Fred the perfectionist probably had those destroyed!
  6. VP: I have heard a few folks say they have heard of someone who heard...blah blah blah... that they had a viewing of it from original print... but was in horrendous condition... would LOVE to see FOX clean a copy up and distribute it... I feel they SHOULD have a copy, although it is pretty disheartening to hear of so many pre-30's movies gone... thanks for the info about the 'fragments' deal on TCM... should be quite interesting... AND, sad that Ginger and Carole couldn't get going on a film together...would have been great to see! Thanks again for all the AWESOME info, VP!!!

    Betsy: Well, here's hoping someone finds a set of reels in a trunk somewhere and gets them to the proper restoration gurus... Hope you are well, Betsy! - BTW - if ya don't mid me asking, how is the 'A-train' going for you? I am currently just trying the 'low-fat' deal, with mixed results... will probably get on Atkins by is a superior method!!!

    Ron: GandF 'bloopers'... would be pretty awesome - there's probably some of those 'almost, not quite' shoots of their routines... AND great pic of Ginger! That one is DEFINITELY from 'Shall We Dance', since that freaky finned chrome desk-counter thingie she is leaning on is used in the scene where she signs up for the mail plane off of the ship...

    AC: Sorry - yeah, it was a pretty cruel one - again, if I had read that, then found it was bogus, would have been just a bit hacked off... but thanks for not breaking out the skeet rifle on me! :-]

    SG: yep - I concur... Fred probably had it in his contract that he either gets all the stuff that didn't make it into the film, or just to have it scrapped... but ya never know... although if it was out there, would probably be in VERY bad shape for its age and lack of 'care'...

    Well, hope everyone is alright out there, and made it thru AFD without further incident!!!

  7. Keep your fingers crossed. One of Lombard's films, "I Take This Woman" (1931, co-starring Gary Cooper) was presumed lost for decades, but a 16mm copy of it was found in the Maine home of author Mary Roberts Rinehart, whose book "Lost Ecstasy" was adapted for the movie. It has since been shown in theaters such as Film Forum and the Myrna Loy Center in Helena, Mont. (also Cooper's hometown, although curiously he and Myrna never made a movie together), but comparatively few have seen it and it hasn't been issued on DVD.

    I believe Lubitsch's wonderful "The Smiling Lieutenant" (jazz up your lingerie!) was also deemed lost until it was found in Czechoslovakia some years back. Since then, it's been regularly seen on TCM and has been issued as part of a collection of 1929-32 Lubitsch musical films.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Archive Post #1 - from Gingerology, originally posted October 10, 2009

OK...went over to TCM a few minutes ago...

...well, the website, not the 'brick-and-mortar' building... sifted down to 'Hat Check Girl', and left a review...which, of course, was REALLY a 'plea' to TCM, hoping they will show it, IF they have it... not sure if there will be a response or anything, but worth a shot, right?
...Not that clear a picture from 'Stage Door', but definitely a Hat I would like to Check!!!
...Hey, if y'all want to throw your two cents in as well, here is the specific link to HCG... just go to 'post a review' about halfway down the right side of the page:

and, just above the place to place a 'review' (i.e., 'plea'), there is a spot to vote for this movie to be released on DVD...which REALLY gets the gears in the mind to grinding, since they can consider it for DVD, then... they must HAVE IT!!!!


...Keep it Gingery...
...Ginger is a Rockstar...


  1. ...Not that clear a picture from 'Stage Door', but definitely a Hat I would like to Check!!!

    The hat .. or the girl under the hat? ;)

    Mm, Stage Door, I'm dying to see that movie. I must get the dvd soon.
  2. "The hat .. or the girl under the hat? ;)"
    I know the answer to that one.

    OH MARIA YOU NEED TO SEE STAGE DOOR! It's one of my favourite movies period!

  3. haha, I think we all know it ;)

    I'm wanna see it so much. The other day I saw a clip on youtube and, damn it! She was wonderful in it. I really hope to get it soon.
  4. I hate watching movies on YouTube, but if you are really desperate, it's on there. (Last I checked anyway.)

  5. Me too, lauren. That's why I want to wait a little and get the dvd to watch properly.
  6. ...I think Lauren has me pegged... oh, well...guilty as charged!

    Stage Door is a great one... so much dialouge - you can watch it over and over and catch new stuff each time! Of course, it is well worth the price, just for the VKM - Kate matchup...
  7. I left a comment on TCM above yours!

  8. ...way to go, Lauren!!! :-)
    Now, if we could get a couple dozen more... Again, not sure if anyone at TCM really checks these out, but it's worth a shot!
  9. Aaahh Stage of my favorites - such a brilliant cast

    Ginger Rogers
    Katharine Hepburn
    Ann Miller
    Lucille Ball
    Eve Arden

    Who knew?

Sunday, April 21, 2013

First Post...

Hi, y'all!!!

...just an 'initial post' in order to field any comments you may have regarding this blog... look for future posts over time, which will also be noted on the Gingerology home site.

Until then... thanks for dropping by, and...

Keep It Gingery!!! (KIG)!!!
